• Hours

    11:30am to 8pm

    Closed on Tuesday

    Last call: 60 mins prior to closing









    After about 20 years of experience in the film industry, the owner of NOSTALGIA CAFE is taking a new step in expressing his sense of values ​​in a space with minimal elements, creating a sense of nostalgia where you can feel free to stop by and relax.

    With a partner who has experience in pastry making, in apparel and the service industry, the shop was set up a small distance from the hustle and bustle of the Chuo Line area that has fostered various cultures.


    The cafe features Classic American recipes in a spacious interior with a retro aesthetic, as if it were in downtown Manhattan, with relaxing music and classical pendant lighting. You can enjoy sandwiches grilled with simplicity, bringing out the flavours of the special meatballs, with homemade baked goods and specialty coffee.


    Located on Waseda-dori, the counter view is calming, to let you meditate and focus on meeting your deadlines. At the table seats, you can laugh with family and lovers in casual conversations, talk to friends about movies and music, or hit up a conversation with people who work in the neighborhood, as well as people who are interested in culture such as movies, music, fashion, design, art, etc. The space that defies genres is characteristic of the Chuo Line, in the hopes to be a space for everyone to gather in.

    About Us

    北海道出身の店主は札幌市内の映画館にて映写技術者として映画興行界でのキャリアをスタート。その後、外資系シネマコンプレックスの運営会社に移籍し、技術畑の他、フィルム上映からデジタル化への転換作業や最新上映システムやサービスの導入など国内シネマコンプレックス事業の発展とともに約20年間映画興行界に従事。人生の後半をかねてより思い描いてた空間を表現し共有できるサービス業を考え、退職後約1年の準備期間の後、NOSTALGIA CAFEを開業。


    神奈川県出身のパートナーはアメリカ留学の後、大半をサービス業に従事。幼少期よりお菓子作りが好きで独学で勉強し、カフェやホテル製菓部門での勤務やアパレル店での店長業務などを経験した後、オーナーと共同でNOSTALGIA CAFEを開業。


    Born in Hokkaido, the owner started his career in the movie entertainment world as a projection engineer at a movie theater in Sapporo. Afterwards, transferring to a foreign cinema complex operating company, and pursued a career in the film industry for about 20 years with the development of the domestic cinema, particularly in the technical field, conversion work from film screening to digitalization and introduction of the latest screening system and services.


    In thinking about a service industry that can express and share the space the owner imagined for the second half of his life, he opened NOSTALGIA CAFE after working on it for about a year after retirement.


    His partner from Kanagawa Prefecture had worked in the service industry after studying in the United States. Since she was a child, she loved to make sweets and studied independently; after working in cafes and in confectionery at hotels and as a store manager at apparel stores, she opened NOSTALGIA CAFE with the owner.

    About Our Food

    NOSTALGIA CAFEでは、サンドイッチ、ミートボール、焼き菓子、コーヒーを主軸に据えて、アメリカのクラシックなレシピをベースとした、ニューヨークのデリにあるようなメニューを揃え、ソースに至るまでホームメイドにこだわって作っています。

    At NOSTALGIA CAFE, sandwiches, meatballs, baked goods, and coffee are our staples, and our menu emulates a New York deli based on classic American recipes, using homemade sauces.





    We also serve a meatball sub, a classic meatball sandwich pressed in a hot dog buns named after a submarine, a pulled pork sandwich glazed with a homemade BBQ sauce and baked, and our interpretation of a classic BLT. The recommended items include grilled cheese sandwiches and the Elvis, a sautéed banana, bacon and peanut butter spread that is addictive.




    Meatballs embody the taste of New York. Based on a classic American recipe, the meatballs are the size of golf balls and are made with herbs and cheese and baked in an oven to a chewy texture. Choose from three special sauces: classic tomato, onion cream, or black bean chili, and enjoy it in a variety of styles: with rice, focaccia or pasta.




    Our cheesecakes, classic refined banana bread and carrot cakes, are meticulously made with a rich butter base, our muffins and oil-based pound cakes are soft and light. Our coffee pairs perfectly with seasonal fruits and nuts and heightens the flavour experience. Of course, take-out is also available.




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    1-36-10 Nogata, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 165-0027
    11:30am - 8pm
    Closed on Tuesday
    Last call: 60 mins prior to closing